CPSM考试技巧方法 记住,你的第一个猜测是最好的猜测 2. Work on the “easy” questions first, then go back and work on the more difficult ones. 首先做容易的问题,然后再返回作较难的问题 3. Do not get into an emotional battle of wills with the exam. 对考试不要情绪化 4. Do not add anything to the question or to the answer. 对试题或答案不要增加任何东西 5. Do not seek the exception unless it is specifically requested. 不要寻求例外,除非特别指出的 6. Choose the best of the four choices, don’t worry about your “better” answer. 选择四个答案中最好的答案,不要顾虑“更好的”答案 7. Visit your test site before scheduling your test appointment. 考试前访问你的考场,以便做好准备 8. Do not try to keep track of how you are doing, you won’t know. 不要试图从自己的经验中寻找答案 祝各位考试顺利通过
1. Remember, your first guess is your best guess.